Rally kit de montaje
Logitech® Rally ofers a suite of accessories to accommodate a wide range of room sizes and confgurations. Add Rally Mic Pods to extend audio coverage, and a second Rally Speaker to fll large rooms with clear, rich sound. Anchor mics to the table with Mic Pod Mounts, and manage under-table cabling with Rally Mic Pod Hub. Finish your installation with Rally Mounting Kit to secure components and cabling in place.
Four microphones with eight beamforming elements provide a 15ft (4.5m) pickup range 9.6ft (2.95m) cable connects to Rally Table Hub, Rally Mic Pod Hub, or another Mic Pod Mute button with LED status indicator Technical fabric resists dirt and fngerprints Input to daisy chain with another Mic Pod.
RALLY MIC POD: Hear Every Voice Clearly With RightSound™ technology and multiple beamforming elements in every individual mic pod, the audio focus is always automatically on the active speaker.
Expanded Coverage Up to seven Rally Mic Pods can be daisychained together with a single cable connection to the Rally Table Hub.
Premium, Low-Profle Design Rally Mic Pods are elegant and deceptively small for their remarkable range and sensitivity, with non-slip pads to isolate the microphones from table vibrations.
An Equal Voice Rally Mic Pod listens for and equalizes every voice, so you can hear and understand those with softer voices or who are seated farther away.
MIC POD MOUNT Perfectly Placed Say goodbye to visible cables and wandering mic pods. Mic Pod Mount gives meeting room tables a fnished look while keeping connections secure, meeting after meeting.
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